Legal notice

Nicolas Mondré

Handelskai 100A / 4 / 22

1200 Vienna


Contact options

Handelskai 100A / 4 / 22

1200 Vienna

+43 660 6595220

Information in accordance with the E-Commerce Act

Informationspflicht laut ECG und Mediengesetz

acc. §5 E-Commerce Act, §14 Company Code and §63 Industrial Code and disclosure obligation according to §25 Media Act

Object of the company: Webdesign and webdevelopment

Expert group: UBID (Management consulting, accounting and information technology)

Chamber affiliation: WKO Wien

Applicable legislation: Trade regulations (

Further supervisory authority (according to ECG): Municipal district offices for the 20th and 2nd district

Responsible for the content: Nicolas Mondré

Payment information

UID-number: ATU 79590836